Saturday, 5 December 2015

Weight Weenies And An Ambush Fail.

Well Thursday night was a bit wild, with plenty of rain and howling wind to keep the light of sleep awake all night, but when Friday dawned it looked a whole lot better. The wind had eased considerably, and the sun was out... strewth, best get outside quick then!

As usual, I took far too much junk with me, but yesterday I particularly excelled myself given the modest plan for a quick trundle around one of my local loops. The fault lies entirely with those voluminous panniers, they are so invitingly cavernous that it is all too easy for me to fill them with photographic guff I might, maybe, possibly, need. So in went the DSLR with the Siggy 10-20, plus two extra lenses and the 430 EXII flash. In the other side, in with the two spare tubes, tools, spare leggings and bungees, went my Manfrotto Magic Arm. I never know when I might want to mount the camera in some daft location on the bike, and it fits so well in the pannier. Oh and I also had the remote flash/shutter triggers of course, and my tripod in case I wanted any ride past selfies. The G1 X went in its usual place in my bum bag (for fast draws see - I'd be a great gunslinger) and around my neck and waist went the GoPro. It's safe to say I go well equipped photographically. It's also safe to say the Carrera was just a little tail heavy, in fact I was pondering letting some air out of the front tyre to help keep it down on the ground. 

But this is obviously where the weight weenies on their training runs are doing it wrong. They go out in their sprayed on lycra, riding their flyweight speed machine, piling on the miles to keep their fitness up for summer racing. Clearly that is the wrong way to do it. When I next ride one of my bikes without all that clobber with me, I know I will feel fast as hell and my legs will have power to spare (maybe). They should take a leaf out of my book and do their training runs in long baggy trousers, big jacket and weigh the bike down with junk. No good trying to maintain fitness and testing yourself while making things as easy as possible. These people are fools!

But anyway, the leaden Carrera and I set off to enjoy some quality bimblage around the lanes. There was that lovely 'after the stormy night before' feeling about the countryside as everything looked a bit disheveled and the air felt fresh. The sky was pretty ominous looking at times though, but it failed to dump any rain on me so that was good.

Despite the volatile looking sky, waterproofs weren't required.

The ride also turned into one of those 'just a bit longer' jobbies, where I extended the journey a couple of times rather than head for home. It still wasn't a long ride, but was a very enjoyable one. 

When the lanes get really narrow, and you meet oncoming traffic, diving into the hedge is often the best solution.

The lanes can be very atmospheric at this time of year, there's certainly no mistaking what season we're in, and daft as it may sound, it's hard for me to decide whether I prefer winter or summer for pottering about. Summer gives longer days and more colour, and warmth, obviously. Winter though gives fresher air, fewer airborne things to swallow, and no sunburn to worry about. But there is also a naive sort of sense of adventure about the countryside in winter, and a feeling of being more connected with it. The air is also more bracing and gives energy and renewal to a weary old body like mine, rather than sucking the energy out of it, as the heat of summer does. Neither winter nor summer can beat spring though - best of both worlds that is, but winter isn't always as bad as it is cracked up to be.

This dog started out nearer the road, but as I got closer, so he went further in trying to hide behind the wall while still peering round the edge of it, full of excitement at the imminent ambush. But, his concealment skills need a bit of work and I was fully ready for him. Thankfully though, he wasn't a chaser, only a barker, so a high speed chase and escape was avoided.

It's not all single figure speeds when I go a bimblin'. 

Oh and all that photographic gear I lugged around with me went untouched. Only the G1 X and the GoPro saw any action. Doh...

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