Thursday, 7 January 2016

The Sin Bin – Forgetful Poop Scoopers.

Or should that just be flipping lazy poop scoopers? I'm not sure.

One of the worst things you can ride through while out and about is a dog bomb. Actually, that is probably THE worst thing you can ride through. A freshly laid pile offers little in the way of traction, so if Bonzo downloaded his dinner right on the apex of a fast berm or something, you could experience a sudden loss of grip and a dramatic and smelly trip into the scenery. At best, you get to watch the squidged mess, looking like a melted Snickers but smelling far, far, worse, going round with every revolution of your front wheel. Plus, if your nose is as big as mine, (I suck in more cubic inches of air than most) the smell alone will have you gagging until you can find a way of getting the offending poop off your tyres. This always seems to happen in summer too, when the heat makes the smell even worse to stomach, and handy puddles to wash off the offending waste matter are hard to find. So you find a stick, to remove what you can, but even that process is full of peril as a little pressure in the wrong place can see the stick flick the dog log up into your face, or onto your clothing, somewhat less than desirable, especially if you're meeting up with friends or planning to visit a cafe. Or your stick might break, plunging your knuckles perilously close to the gooey, sticky mess you're trying remove. Even if you succeed in removing the majority of the fetid faeces from twixt your knobbles, there will still be a hefty pong hanging in the air from the residual smearing over the rubber.

All that is assuming the dog concerned had a healthy digestive system, heaven forbid you encounter the doings of a dog with a dicky tummy, and the resultant soft, near liquid, poop. Those beggars splatter all over the shop, and make like the worst sort of Catherine Wheel known to man as they fling foul particles in all directions with every wheel rotation. Run over some sloppy droppings and you'd better keep your mouth clamped firmly shut until you can pull over to commence cleaning operations.

So you'd think I'd be very appreciative of those folk who bag their pooch's poops into those twee looking little bags of doggy delight with the cute little rabbit ear bows on top. That's what I used to do myself when I had my much missed hairy arsed friend, I always scooped and bagged her emissions, but then I'd walk around with my little package until I found a dog poop bin, or failing that, a general litter bin. If those weren't forthcoming, well I carried it all the way home and put it in the household bin.

But that last bit about carrying it around is where I seem to to differ from some folk, who having gone to the trouble of remembering to take adequate supplies of bags with them, then done all the bending, wretching, gagging, and wondering just what the hell their beloved pet had eaten that meant leaving such a huge, malodorous and multicoloured steaming pile, then scooped it up and sealed the bag with that deft little pooper scooper's twist, then go and just leave the bag hanging from a branch, or on the ground.
Why do they do that? Are they planning on collecting it on the way back? Maybe, but it seems many folk then forget all about it, and/or fail to see the little packets they'd decorated the path with just a short while before. After all, people switch on their fog lights when driving, then forget they ever did it, despite the little orange light on the dash or switch warning them, and then drive around for weeks afterwards dazzling all and sundry with their forgetfulness. So they could quite easily forget what they'd done just a few minutes before, but I don't actually get how anyone can be that forgetful unfortunately, my mind is boggled by these folk. They must be always leaving all the lights on in their house when they go out, or drive to work, then walk home, forgetting the car altogether (actually, I know of someone who did just that, and reported the car as being stolen off their drive to the Police...).

Maybe it's just ignorance and laziness, and that is just as likely as the first option, unfortunately. If it is laziness, well the torpedoes would be better left unmolested where they were dropped, for nature to deal with, than wrapped in plastic bag and just left behind. Yes the bags do decompose, but it takes a heck of a lot longer. I'd rather take my chances with a freshly laid log than have the surroundings sullied by flipping plastic bags hanging from branches or just left right on the racing line, and a plastic poop bag is no more grippy than it's contents if you catch it with your front wheel while banked over.

That's not a giant bag of poop, just a low camera angle. Pretty colours or fancy scented bags (the wise scoopers use Nappy sacks - far cheaper than the 'dedicated' dog bags like the black one in the foreground here) don't excuse leaving your little packages of poop for others to clear away. 

A ride around the local woods will always reveal around half a dozen little baggies lurking unattended, and it really grinds my gonads, it really does. When I finally cracked and fetched out the camera for the photo hereabouts, it wasn't just because there were two little bags in one place to photograph, nor that one was a rather fetching colour. No, it was because these two were about fifteen feet from two, that is two, one each side of the track, dog waste bins. Yet here they were, just sat on the grass making the place look untidy. Too lazy to nip back to the bins I assume. Well if you're that lazy then a dog is not the animal for you. Go get a Goldfish or Stick Insect or something that is less tiring to clean up after you useless articles! 

If I was Prime Minister, and if I'd paid more attention at school I could be, I'd make it law that anyone bagging and then just leaving the little parcel wherever, should have their nose thoroughly rubbed in the bag by the local Forestry Warden. Or mountain biker. It's a simple enough task to undertake, why do some folk only manage half of the jobbie in hand?

In the bin the lazy, half witted beggars must go! Grrr.....

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