Sunday 12 February 2017

Sausage or Bacon?

Not much has been happening Bimble wise again this week - just the one sallying forth. In my defence, not only am I still not fully back to normal mood wise, but the weather hasn't been up to much either.

I did manage to get out for one spin though, on Thursday, and once again I took the Voodoo as it was already mucky. Fatso, my On One Fatty really does look proper peachy when all spick and span after a good clean up, and it takes me ages to summon up the will to get out and get him filthy again, especially as he lives in my living room and I have to sit and either admire him all the time, or get depressed looking at all the grolly stuck to him after a mucky ride. I could of course, give any of my bikes a good power wash or hose down after every mucky ride, but... nah, that ain't happening! Most of the time I'm busting to get in the shower and have something to eat rather than wanting to fanny about with bike stands, hoses/pressure washers, power leads and buckets of frothiness.

So anyway, it was aboard the Voodoo that I set off into the bitingly cold and very stroppy South Easterly that was blowing, and nearly had me turning back too, such was the bitterness of the wind. But, I'd got that far, and wasn't planning an epic, just a light Bimble, so I thought I'd plug gamely on. 

Heading out along the old A39. The main road was updated and realigned some years ago, and now passes just 50 feet or so to the left here, so this isn't a quiet spot by any means. 

Another reason to carry on was that I had made the decision to liven things up a bit on this ride. Oh yes, I was going to throw caution to the (considerable) wind, live life well and truly on the edge, and go around my usual loop the other way to normal! Gadzooks! Yup, I normally go around in an anti clockwise direction, as the geography and attractions, lend themselves to that route, but every now and again I take a bravery pill and mix things up. Yup, that's the kind of guy I am.... (my tongue is pressed so firmly into my cheek right now it looks like I've got a whole Toblerone stuffed in my mouth. Sideways).

 Just along a bit from the above photo lies this (very) private wood. I'm busting to poke around in here as it all looks very photogenic, but there are fences, gates and signs up all warning of dire consequences awaiting any trespassers. The fallen tree here came down some months ago.

It's quite remarkable how different things can feel and appear too, simply going a well worn route in the opposite direction. For a start I was using the other side of the road of course, and that meant I was getting caught out by some of the bumps and lumps, whereas normally, I know exactly where they lie and avoid them without even thinking about it. 

From a photographic point of view, not much is different, 'cos of course, I stop to take photos and examine every angle anyway usually, but it's still rewarding to ride t'other way and see the views unfold from the other direction for a change. 

Mostly I was in the shelter of tree lined lanes, and even in winter when most of the trees are bare, they still give respite from the wind. But I did have to traverse a couple of open sections and my word, I copped some turbulence. Forget listening out for traffic creeping up behind too, that wasn't possible with the roaring in my ears as I bravely headed straight into the near gale. Like sticking your head in an Airbus shed when they're warming the engines up it was, glad I haven't got big ears that's all I can say. I can see why my old mate 'Wingnut' Wilkins never liked riding push bikes, not with his sticky out lug 'oles. Like a taxi parked with the doors open his head was, great with a tail wind mind you, not so hot going into it though.

The noise of the wind in the trees is joined here by the water of this stream gushing beneath the road via a culvert and emerging on the other side in a mini waterfall as the stream continues at quite a lower level. 

All in all though, it was well worth the effort involved in getting out, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride once again. 

A couple of shots from a quick photo stop. This lane always has water running down it even many days after rain as the fields drain into it.

I didn't find complete absorption and peace in my surroundings though, as a couple of things were buzzing about in my head - like what the hell has happened to the word 'Fewer' all of a sudden? Has it been declared wrong or something recently? On the telly, in the local paper, on forums and so on, all I see suddenly or hear is 'less' when it really should be 'fewer'.  I don't know I really don't. I'm no language expert, but these things really steal my lunch. I know the common excuse is it's merely language evolving, but I don't see it as evolution (often a good thing) but rather just dumbing down, people not knowing or understanding basic words and terms in our own language, and in some professions, like journalism for instance, that is criminal. It's often the case that foreign folk speak, write and spell English better than we English ourselves, because they were taught it properly, possibly, and maybe are less exposed to it being mangled in public. Possibly the same is happening with their own languages too, I don't know. It still bugs me though. Makes me want to tread on a Doll's House it does. Oh and as for 'Levverage' being the force applied with a 'Leaver' (Lever) grrrr...

On a less grumptious note, I also was pondering on this ride, another matter of great importance - what is the best combination of food items to fit on one fork and then feed into one's welcoming mouth? 

For me there has to be the yokey bit of a runny fried egg, a bit of a chip, and some beans smeared over the top. But there is one additional ingredient to add and I can't make up my mind which adds the most flavour to this already scrumptious mouthful - Sausage or Bacon? I was pondering all this on my ride as I had decided I need to treat myself to some proper stodge for a change come dinner time that evening, and hang the repurcussions I would suffer later. The decision was made easier for me really as I only had Sausages in stock at home (Irish ones - lovely...) and not any Bacon (Boo!) but I can't decide if I was missing out on the perfect mouthful or not. I think I was pretty close with Sausage, Egg,|Chip and Beans though, but the big question still won't go away - Bacon instead of the Sausage... Hmmmm... only one way to find out I suppose...

Chuntering along Tregassow Lane once more, and I caught a glimpse of something bright red out of the corner of my eye. Normally unusual colours in the hedge or verge turn out to be discarded beer cans or similar rubbish, but on this occasion it was living soft and squishy things. I think this is Scarlet Elf Cup Fungus, I'm not up at all on Fungi and Mushrooms and so on, but whatever it is, it certainly catches the eye, even from a few yards away.

Important comestible matters aside, the great feeling I took from this ride was the sound of the wind thrashing, squeaking, graunching, cracking and clacking the branches about in the trees above me as I rode, snugly warm and calm in the shelter of the high banked lanes. Pottering along at about 5 mph and listening to all the rushing commotion going on above me was really rather special, and one of those invigorating moments when it just feels great to be outside.

Bacon, it has to be Bacon - it smells better while cooking too...


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