Tuesday 9 May 2017

On One - Any Colour You Want To Make Them, As Long As They're Black Please.

Right, time for a rant.

The tyres Fatso came fitted with – On One's own branded 'Floaters' are quite well regarded in the sometimes strange world of Fatbiking, and for my modest needs I have found them ideal. They give me more grip than I can handle even when the going is slick as a well greased Goose, and they aren't draggy when on tarmac. Better yet, at around the £30 - £35 mark, they are, or should that be were, reasonably priced (for a fat tyre that is, I pay eight quid each for the Voodoo's boots).

Tyre pricing is one big drawback of Fatbike ownership, with most tyres costing from £50 up to about £80 each, but some are well over £100, which is just plain daft in my book. At least Dick Turpin wore a mask when ripping folk off, how anyone can keep a straight face and ask for 120 quid for a bicycle tyre is beyond me.

The trouble is, On One recently saw fit to discontinue the Floater tyres... Noooo!! Yep, so word on the forums has it, the faithful Floaters are no more. Gone, kaput, extinct. They have sunk without trace.
Or have they? You see there are Floaters on the On One web site, for £35 quid too, but there's a problem. They ain't black.

Tyres are black. B-L-A-C-K black. Black as four in the morning or a yard up a chimney. It's the way things are and should always be. Even tan wall or white wall tyres don't butter my toast - tyres for me are black.

A black tyre yesterday. This is the correct colour for such an article.

So what colour are these Floaters on the site then if they're not black? Well they're 'Dog's Cock Pink,' bright Orange, a rather dodgy and not unfamiliar looking brown, 'Bile Green' and 'Three Day Old Snow By The Roadside White.'

Plenty of Floaters available to buy, but will you just look at them...

Never mind just how wrong these things look, Fatbikes attract enough attention as it is without adding another 'why?' to the list of questions folk ask whenever you park up. No matter how cheap or smooth riding these things might be, I just cannot bring myself to even consider defiling Fatso's handsome appearance with such awful hues.

Lurid tyres aren't new of course, and they were available for a while for motorcycles, but not any more... 'cos they look complete bobbins.

 Yes mate, they do match the bike, but they still look utter pants.

Like multi storey car park crime, this is wrong on so many levels.

So come on On One, stop dicking about for heaven's sake and get the Floaters back on sale, in black please, as mine are starting to look a little weary and come Autumn will probably be hooperchooped and there is no way I'm fitting pink or bright orange tyres to my bike, or ones costing a hundred quid for that matter either.


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