What was the hot cycling news yesterday
in the national Media? Boris Johnson giving his wife a backie on his
bike, that's what.
Here is how the BBC ran the story of
this heinous crime Non Story and it was in all the other main news media too it would appear.
What a load of cobblers. Really.
Ah but
giving a 'backie' is an offence, punishable with a fine of up to
£200. Yeah and the law is an ass, like so many in this country these
Look on the web at photos
of urban cycling and you'll see people the world over giving backies,
or with a pillion sat side saddle style on a rack at the back, or
carrying the whole family, and their shopping for a month, on some
old boneshaker. It's just people getting on with their lives, nothing
to get steamed up about at all. They live life in countries that are
more tolerant and balanced, and less bitter, twisted and judgemental
than we here in Britain.
The BBC article above also states the
footage of the crime captured by The Sun showed Mr Johnson's wife
“Sitting on the saddle, without a helmet, holding her
handbag as her husband pedals.” (My italics). Woo... she wasn't
wearing a plastic hat – Gasp! Condemn her recklessness! Throw rotten fruit
at her in the street! Scowl accusingly and wag a finger at her!
wasn't wearing a magic hat, so bloody what? It was BoJo doing the
piloting, not Bradley Wiggins going for the hour record or the chap
Froome giving it the courageous conkers down some Alpine descent in the Tour de
France. Not wearing a helmet, is thankfully, not against the law, and
that is the way it should be. Whether Johnson's other half or anyone
else for that matter wears a bonce potty on a bicycle or not, is
their business, and purely their business, no one else's.
Put them in the stocks!
For heaven's sake where has all the
common sense and balance gone these days? What is it with we British
that we have to be so narrow minded and judgemental all the time? Why
should Boris have to apologise, and to whom exactly? Did he offend anyone?
Well if he did then it's the people who got offended who should be
apologising for being such stupid human beings.
Boris should instead be
applauded for saving the planet, using his initiative, being normal,
having bloody fun! I'm pretty sure he could have got a taxi
from the start for the pair of them, or even a chauffeur driven limo
perhaps given his status, but no, he got on a bike with his wife and the fun suckers
are only too happy to jump on him and criticise, and the brainless
wagon jumping finger pointers are equally happy to join in the
But it's all to do with the new
religion of course, health and safety, and what a crock of crap so
much of that is too. Dan Snow was on the BBC on Sunday evening
presenting an excellent programme about the dawn of the railway age
and there he was, walking along a bit of track in full dayglo (ok,
fair enough perhaps), some sort of weird looking gloves, safety
glasses and a hard hat. Why? The only danger he faced was being hit
by a train and how much good will his gloves, glasses and hard hat be
at warding off several hundred tons of speeding metal? None at all,
unless they were made from some new sort of indestructible material
that would see an express merely bounce off, and Snow little more than
lightly startled, in which case I think the rest of us should know
what this invincowear is all about.
But that's health and safety without
brains for you, and it is actually more of a hazard if only the
people who insisted on all this sort of crap actually understood the subject a little better, and it really isn't difficult
to grasp, it's to do with human nature and common sense in fact. Ah
but that's the problem, common sense is not allowed any more, and
human nature isn't to be trusted, it must be legislated, and
controlled. Oh and condemned too of course.
I despair of this country I really do.