Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Coffee and Monsters.

Mornings, when things are going well, are easier for me to deal with in many respects when it comes to getting out and about and that isn't a bad thing at all, as I do prefer the start of a day to the end. When things aren't going so well, well then the whole day lacks appeal and there is little attraction at all in getting out of bed.

But as I've mentioned elsewhere, I've added another feature to some of my rides to encourage me to get out on those days when things are going ok, but might slide if I let them. Complicated business this waking up malarkey sometimes. Anyway, that feature is my Mini Trangia stove and yesterday was another proper summer's day in the making. I'd had another sleepless night as it goes, my brain just would not calm down and kept churning over things I have no control over and making me very restless. I was awake well before dawn and already contemplating a ride – there was nothing to stop me as I have lights, but I also planned to take the stove into the local woods, and they're a scary place in the dark they are, all sorts of weird shit goes down in the woods during the hours of darkness my imagination tells me, and I scare easily.

So after allowing all the beasts of the night adequate time to retreat into the shadows for some well earned kip, I sallied forth into a warm and sunny early(ish) morning. I was feeling tired after my lack of slumber, but the fug soon wore off as the gears clicked down the cassette and the hum of the tyres picked up speed. Sometimes it is just damn good being in or on a vehicle and having wheels turning beneath you. Just moving is something I've always enjoyed, whether as a passenger or as the rider/driver. But with a bicycle or motorcycle, you also get a great feeling of movement too as you push through the air and feel the wind rushing around you. Both types of two wheeler are the best out there for waking up and getting the senses going of a morning, and that is nothing new of course, as bike commuters have been in on the secret for years.

So I was soon wide awake and really enjoying the ride by the time I hit the woods and revelling in the peaceful surroundings. There really is something magical about low, warm, early morning sunlight filtering through the trees accompanied by the sound of rushing water from the nearby stream. I always make slow progress on such occasions, as I keep stopping just to take it all in, or take a photo or two as well. Early it might've been, but I wasn't alone in the woods, as I discovered when I stopped for a quick snap. No murderous beasties or munsters though, just a dog walker and then a fellow mountain biker going like a train along the path but still finding time for a hearty 'mornin'. I'd hit the rush hour obviously.

The target location was soon reached once I got going again, and I'd earned my first coffee of the day alright having had to push the bike up quite a steep path up the side of the valley. That, and the lack of anywhere to sit once at my desired spot, meant my back soon started giving me grief, but having come this far, I wasn't about to make for home without the much needed caffeine injection.

Nice spot to spend some time... but what is that noise...

While waiting for the kettle to boil and absorbing my surroundings I heard something very disturbing – a snorting and heavy footfall behind me... then a ripping sound... this really was some sort of gert beastie, maybe they work a day shift too these days? Then there was another set of noises, and another... there was a whole load of whatever they were heading towards me and at first look I couldn't see them... this was getting scary and I was just about to opt for making a run for it while screaming like a gurl when I realised there is a field just behind the thin line of trees on the very top of the hill, and the evil beasts were nothing scarier than a bunch of munching mooeys wandering about. Laundry traumas and embarrassing squeals avoided, I once again settled my over revving imagination and nerves and set about doing what I'd set out to do – enjoy a good strong mug of coffee somewhere nice and peaceful.

Thought I'd give this a go, very nice and frothylicious it was too. I've got a selection of assorted coffees to try on such occasions - all part of the fun.

The mind said carry on, my back disagreed, so I headed back the way I came.

Given my stiffening back I thought it wise to head home rather than carry on riding somewhere else, so coffee consumed I mounted up and aimed for home. Passing through the car park I found it rammed with mint hatchbacks, a proper traffic jam of well cared for small cars waiting to park. Filtering up the outside into the parking area revealed the place was awash with elasticated sun visors and Eric Morecambe shorts as a whole load of elderly folk were gathering for a guided woodland ramble. I'm an oldie myself, or at least, feel like one, but I reckon I must've been the youngest person there, and by some margin too, so that was a bonus event, even if some of them did look fitter than me. Bet cows don't scare them either...

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